Who We Are
Coram Deo Conversations is the brainchild of DJ and Linda Shirey, a couple of redeemed sinners who (together) desire to live, move, and have their being in the light of the only Person worth glorifying: God. While we travel on this journey, we want Coram Deo Conversations to be a place where we can not only pursue our creative endeavors, but also encourage others who share in this high calling.
Our Guiding Belief
We believe that each human is designed by God in His image and to live fulfilled lives in His light. In fact we believe it’s the only way to live a fulfilled life. We draw heavily from a standard from the Reformation that says “The chief end of man is to glorify God and fully enjoy Him forever.” (Westminster Larger Catechism).
What We Do
We serve with words and image and find our greatest joy in connecting real-life, real-world experiences with the sublime and divine wonder of God’s word and His creative power. Our journey so far has brought us to writing, editing, publishing, and photography. Our hope is to continue to grow in these and other services while helping other humans grow in theirs.
Why Coram Deo Conversations
The phrase “Coram Deo” is latin. Neither of us speak latin, but we love what it means. It’s probably best we let those who know provide the definition, so from Ligonier.org, the late Dr. R. C. Sproul says it “is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and to the glory of God.”
The word conversation has a modern connotation as well as an archaic usage. We’ve adopted both, because we can. But mainly because the idea of coram Deo happens between and among humans, in both what we say and what we do.
Why the Mug
Isn’t it obvious? If not, that’s okay. We know that the best conversations are had with a nice cup’a! And quite frankly, if we’re gonna DO this life, we’re gonna NEED one.